Monday, 10 December 2012

WAE Group Proud To Project Manage The Barnbow Memorial Service Graphics

On December 4th 2012 a memorial service was held at 'Manston Park' Leeds, in memory of the brave women that died in the 'Barnbow' factory making bombs for the war effort in 1916. Thirty five women were killed following an explosion in the factory.  Families related to the women that gave their lives were present at the event. The WAE Group were commissioned by Leeds City Council to produce a bronze plaque and interpretation structures that were unveiled at the event.

Yorkshire Post Newspaper Article Of The Barnbow Memorial Event
The WAE Group in alliance with master cast makers Photocast of Liverpool provided the plaque which has detailed illustrations and text including a scroll naming all the women that died. The plaque has been inset into a stone memorial. WAE were also asked to produce Interpretation structures housing Interpretation panels that house text and graphics that tell the 'Barnbow Lasses Story'.

The East Leeds History and Archaeological society worked with Leeds City Council to ensure accurate historical detail.